轻资产“减负风”已吹过 酒店集团开始比“格调”

每经记者 杨 卉 每经编辑 董兴生过去几年,旅游业都在忙着恢复重建,重投资的酒店业更不例外。从疫情初期的轻资产“减负风”到如今的纷纷向高端看齐,走出亏损周期的酒店集团俨然已将中高端当作下一个“兵家必争 …[详细]


Young pair arrested in HK after  discovery of 2 deceased Infants in bottles

Young pair arrested in HK after discovery of 2 deceased Infants in bottles

Handcuffs Photo: CFPA young man and a young woman were arrested after two infants were found in glas ...
